I can't speak for others, only myself, but I never had a problem with deposing Saddam (aside from the fact we haven't really finished Afganistan yet, the Taliban are making something of a comeback), I just feel that the US and Uk Government were not honest.

Certainly in the UK the WMDs were overstated when there was no solid proof to back the claims. I don't know the extent to which the government in the US played on them, but until the "proof" became more and more unreliable it was Blairs big justification.

There were also plenty of soundbites on the news where politicians (from either side of the pond) aluded to links between Saddam and Bin Laden. Which almost certainly were baseless. Saddams government was, although vile in many ways, quite multicultural, which never would have gone down well with religious extremists.

I have a problem with my Government lying to me (whether that has happened remains to be proved but I put the burden of proof with Blair since he made the claims). They make decisions that affect my life and I should be able to trust the motivations for their actions are as they claim. there ya go, I'm an idealist, albeit a cynical one.