
Rob Kamphausen said:
lemme ask a question to the antibushites:

say there are no wmds. say there never were any wmds. say the white house knew that, and there was never any justification for an iraq invasion and/or war.

say you're right about bush being a criminal.

the question: why?

why do it? where's the motive? shouldn't that be a factor you're naming? did i miss it?

where's the reward? the benefit? the evil sub plotline that skeletor reveals to he-man just before he pulls the "death lever" (but then, of course, he-man breaks free and saves the day).

because republicans really just hate france that much? a mass ploy to one-up the UN? to get a shoppers high by needlessly spending billions on a military effort? to enrage democratic sponsors? to secure iraq's oil ...which we haven't secured? to lend creative storylines to jla arcs? to elevate the popularity ranking of internet message boards?

every super villain, even the lamest adam west batman tv show villains, have some sort of driving force -- namely because you can't make a villain without one.

if america/republicans/coalition of the willing/bush (etc) are as evil as you say or as evil as you want them to be... what is the reasoning for their misdirection?

A friend of mine in the oil industry says that there is 30 years of oil left in the world. He is the CEO of an oil services company (he puts things called "chritmas trees" on the sea floor, which pump up fuel).

Even if he is wrong, there is a finite amount of oil left in the world.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army cannot successfully wage an extended war for the same reaosn the Japanese lost WW2. Neither of them had a strategic oil reserve.

And now the US has one, a big one, just to the east of Saudi Arabia.

Last edited by Dave; 2004-01-31 4:36 AM.