
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:

Knee-jerk Republican / Bushite defence is concerned with retrospective changes to the rationale for invasion.

Suddenly the Republicans are deeply concerned with human rights in Iraq. Oh-ho, that's why we invaded!

I find this to be complete bunk, there were 2 main reasons given the immediacy of the threat of WMD's and enforcing the UN Security Council thingy's. No one has even suggested that the main reason wasnt the WMD's Ive never heard a statement from the goverment stating otherwise. I do here people saying well, if they arent found we still got rid of a brutal dictator who tortured thousands and killied many more. I wont now or ever lose sleep over his removal. If you dont believe the world is safer without him, then I have a bridge to sell you in Manhatten if your interested......

I won't lose sleep either. Its the only reason I supported the war. But read Dave's list:


Once again, the big picture...
Saddam's genocide of an estimated 1 million of his own people,
Saddam's prior pursuit and possession of WMD's,
Saddam's use of WMD's on Iranians and his own people,
Saddam's documented secret WMD program to again obtain WMD's (whether or not he had successfully done so at the time if the March 2003 invasion),
Saddam's defiance of the 1991 peace agreement,
Saddam's non-compliance with U.N. weapons inspections,
Saddam's defiance of ten U.N. resolutions calling on Saddam directly to disarm, the last voted in September 2002, just 6 months before the U.S. invasion, calling on Saddam to disarm and submit to inspections, or face "severe consequences",

What is now first, was once insignificant. Blair did the same thing, shifting emphasis from WMDs to human rights.

Pimping my site, again.
