I had a thought today about Europe's attitude towards the US and, while I make no claim as to its veracity, it's worth pondering.

The United States started as European colony. The vast majority of Americans are at least partially descended from Europeans. Our culture is largely a melting pot of European ideas, language and culture. Until recently, our nation was populated primarily through European immigration, first the British, Dutch and Germans and, later waves of Irish, Italians, Russians, etc., etc. Even Hispanics/Latinos have a connection to Europe through Spain and other colonization of this hemisphere.

Is some of our ongoing tension with Europe essentially caused by what is viewed by Europeans, perhaps subconsciously, as a parent-child relationship? Does Europe view us as the child that they can't let go of, the way that some parents never can really admit their kid is now an adult?

Just a thought. I'm not sure how I stand on it one way or another.