
the G-man said:
    Germany is seeking to distance itself from France's tight embrace and realign itself more closely to Britain and America...

    They said the row with Washington over Iraq had been "catastrophic" for Berlin and Chancellor Gerhard Schröder had become "a prisoner" of President Jacques Chirac's campaign to oppose the war to topple Saddam Hussein last year.

    "We were more dependent on the French in that situation. But this will not be a permanent situation," said one authoritative source.

    Another official explained: "We have to be careful that we are not identified with every word that the French president utters. We must have our own identity and be a little more clever."

So much for the claim of America losing "credibility" with its "allies" over the decision to liberate Iraq.

Dependent on the French.

That's enough to make me lose my appetite.


For some reason, the words national suicide come to mind.


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