
Rob Kamphausen said:
y'know, whomod, i actually read that article before in the YAHOO news section. and no, it doesn't look pretty.

but it also went on to discuss how dubya was the second president to ignore clarke's warnings.

clinton had a few years of clarke's input. dubya had a few months.

no, it doesn't excuse anyone for ignoring the information -- but it also doesn't justify blaming solely one person.

Yes, Rob !

I dislike how G.W. Bush is blamed for everything. I've extensively acknowledged that he has made a few mis-steps.
And what President doesn't ?

But as you say, "dubya was the second president to ignore clarke's warnings".
And "dubya" was the second president to deal with many other problems that are heaped on Bush, as if they began with him:

Clinton had 8 years to solve the North Korean situation that Bush inherited.

Clinton did not invade Iraq, despite reports since 1995 by Iraqi high ranking military defectors that Iraq had a secret WMD program, and were hiding it from U.N weapons inspectors. And Clinton didn't invade even when inspectors were thrown out entirely in 1998 and did nothing to resolve the Iraq situation. That Bush inherited.

Clinton arguably is the cause of Bin Ladin's international superstardom among muslims, because he clearly didn't do enough to stop Bin Ladin, which led to 9-11. That Bush inherited.

And the economic recession that is blamed on G.W. Bush actually began on Clinton's watch, A YEAR BEFORE BUSH TOOK OFFICE. That Bush inherited.

I think Bush Sr is partly responsible for these things, too.
Particlularly invoking the Kurds and Shi'ites in Iraq to rise up in 1991 against Saddam, and then watching them get slaughtered.
And not doing more to promote democratic reforms in Russia, and not offering more aid in the early years(1991-1992) of the Soviet collapse, to steer Russia away from authoritarian elements and kleptocracy.

And the same CIA and NSA intelligence that has failed Bush Sr. (regarding the collapse of the Eastern Europe and Soviet Union) is the same intelligence that failed G.W. Bush ( pre-intelligence on 9-11, pre-invasion Iraq intelligence, North Korea developing nukes, Libya's nuclear program ).

But hey, what do I know, I'm just a mindless automaton of the "Bushies", a neocon stooge, who blindly accepts every word G.W. Bush and his administration says.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.