
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
Whomod, isn't that what you do all day about Bush? You know it's really sad your obsession and blind hatred. In all seriousness have you ever considered help? It can't be healthy to have these kinds of feelings about someone.

Yeah. I realize you're still reeling from Clark's 1-2 punch. So i'll give you time to come back later with a better retort.





-- Clinton sponsors legislation to freeze the financial assets of international organizations suspected of funneling money to bin Laden's Al Qaeda network, but it is killed, on behalf of big banks, by Republican Senator Phil Gramm of Texas. George Bush will later call for identical legislation

-- but only after September 11, 2001.


Bush, spending 5 hours at rodeo and 4 hours at NASCAR but no time for the 9/11 panel??! How many hours did Clinton spend testifying about a blowjob?...and this dufus does not want to spend more than one hour testifying about this country's failure to protect us !!!! And he doesn't want to do it under oath either. So what reason is there to beleive anything he says then??

If this government is, in theory, of the people, by the people and for the people then the voting public has every right to witness these interviews with ALL those involved. Clinton's hearing was very public and he wasn't responsible for over 500 deaths of our own military personel.

I say it is our future. This is a man who destroyed all relations with other nations in less than 4 years. WE DESERVE TO SEE HIS LAME EXCUSES.

KEE-YAH!!! (a swift kick to the gut).

WAAAAHH! Everyone hates Bush! WAAAAHH! Sour Grapes!! WAAAHH! "Liberal media!! WAAAH!


Ex-Iraq WMD Hunter Fears U.S. Credibility Erosion

Mon Mar 22,10:47 PM ET

By Missy Ryan

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Reuters) - The former chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq (news - web sites) warned on Monday that the United States is in "grave danger" of destroying its credibility at home and abroad if it does not own up to its mistakes in Iraq.

"The cost of our mistakes ... with regard to the explanation of why we went to war in Iraq are far greater than Iraq itself," David Kay said in a speech at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

"We are in grave danger of having destroyed our credibility internationally and domestically with regard to warning about future events," he said. "The answer is to admit you were wrong, and what I find most disturbing around Washington ... is the belief ... you can never admit you're wrong."

(Boy does that ever sound familar! - whomod )

The comments by Kay came as the White House sought to fend off accusations from its former anti-terrorism czar, Richard Clarke, who said President Bush (news - web sites) ignored the al Qaeda threat before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and focused on Iraq rather than the Islamic militant group afterward.

The White House last year cited Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as the main reason for going to war.

Kay resigned his post in January, saying he believed no such arms existed and that the failure to find any such weapons raised serious questions about the quality of prewar intelligence.

Kay, who was part of United Nations (news - web sites) weapons probes in Iraq in the early 1990s, said U.S. intelligence there was poor in the decade before the war, relying entirely on international inspectors themselves, Iraqi defectors or intelligence from allies like France and Britain.

He cautioned the intelligence community against jumping to premature conclusions, as it did in Iraq. "One of the most dangerous things abroad in the world of intelligence today actually came out of 9/11 ... the insistence of 'Why didn't you connect the dots?' The dots were all there," he said.

"When we finally do the sums on Iraq, what will turn out is that we simply didn't know what was going on, but we connected the dots -- the dots from 1991 behavior were connected with 2000 behavior and 2003 behavior, and it became an explanation and a picture of Iraq that simply didn't exist," Kay said.

Funny how even the true beleivers eventually turn on the people they implicity trusted. That is, the ones with actual honesty and integrity. The rest just march along in lock step, oblivious to the cracking foundation and angry someone noticed it.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-03-23 9:42 AM.