
britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
actually we can see through your posts your transparent, you take pleasure in all the killing because you have an obsession with Bush and in your mind this translates to him not being re-elected.....your a sad man whomod....


And "you win"!

Actually since you supported this stupid war in the 1st place, i'd figure you're the one taking pleasure in all this unnecessary carnage. Me, I'd much rather we'd gone all the way into Tora Bora and finish what we started but of course the PNAC's Iraq beckoned us and our anti-terror resources.

Don't make any judgements on me. Just sit back and let America decide.

Let them start asking why we're in there anyways sans the purported Al Queda WMD's.

Let them start asking why the UN or NATO isn't more involved.

Le them start asking why the people we liberated want us dead.

And of course, the most pressing question:

What happens when you piss off the Shiite majority?

Last edited by whomod; 2004-04-05 11:23 AM.