
Wednesday said:

Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Whomod, you have a pathological need to prove to yourself and everyone else that Republicans are evil.
It is increasingly clear with each new acid-filled post that there's something wrong with YOU, rather than the conservative Republicans you launch blanket attacks on.

DtWB, you have a pathological need to prove to yourself and everyone else that Democrats are evil.
It is increasingly clear with each new acid-filled post that there's something wrong with YOU, rather than the liberal Democrats you launch blanket attacks on.

I think it's clear that I'm just responding to liberal venom and providing equal time.

And I also think it's pretty clear, across any number of topics here, that you're a liberal partisan.

Read my posts, and then read Whomod's (and those of many other liberals here who choose insults and antagonism over discussion of the facts).

Only a partisan like yourself could insinuate that my defense against liberal accusations is "acid-filled" posting.
More smear tactics on your part.

Now this...


Originally posted by Whomod to this topic:

...is pathologically venomous.
That's Vice President Cheney Morphed into Darth Vader, with an army of evil storm troopers behind him. Nothing "acid-filled" about that, right Wednesday ?



Originally posted by Whomod, this topic again:





originally posted by Whomod, at:

There. I've listed the only people there who aern't fucktards.
And here's the fucktards.
2)Dave TWB
4)The G-Man
Everyone else there falls in between the 2 poles.
Rob tries to keep it cool so I respect that. Still, I don't think he's all that removed from the latter list though.
You're welcome.

...and this post...


whomod said, on page 29 of this topic:


Rioting Across Iraq Kills Nearly 60

By KHALID MOHAMMED, Associated Press Writer

NAJAF, Iraq...
[ article already posted at full length on page 29, with many other images of combatants, street fighting and destruction. --Dave tWB. ]

At least, true to form, some of the right-wingers on talk radio and the internet have moved away from the post WMD' justification for the war of 'liberating the poor Iraqi's and reverted to their wartime calls to "NUKE 'EM ALL, MAN!". But then again, it was sort of predictable.

...is acid filled posting! That attempts to demonize the opposition (namely Republicans). The maximum I've ever done is point out the partisan venom with which something like this is posted.


"The Whomod Technique"