
Dave the Wonder Boy said:

As Vietnam taught us, and every decade going forward, liberals tend to be draft evaders and supporters of the enemy, with a barely restrained contempt for our military. Eager to believe anyone other than their own government.

I don't buy that one party is more patriotic than the other, so this following link & article is just to illustrate who your attacking with your generalizations.

 I normally try to ignore Budge Williams' less than enlightening commentaries, but his recent (March 30) jab at Clinton for being a draft-dodger calls for a rebuttal.
   What Mr. Williams failed to highlight is our current slate of Republican leaders who dodged Vietnam for the very worst reasons. Some of them include: President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Hastert, George Will, Bill Bennett, Trent Lott, Kenneth Starr, Newt Gingrich, John Ashcroft, Dick Armey, Phil Gramm, Dan Quayle and, the biggest coward of them all, Tom DeLay. The difference between Clinton and these spineless chickenhawks is that Clinton, rightly so, was opposed to the war, whereas these cowards merely sought deferment, without speaking out against a terrible war that even the architects of the war now say was a pointless one.
   Currently, many of these chickenhawks are in positions of power to send our troops into harm's way even though they avoided dangerous duty themselves. Why is it conservatives ignore their own cowardly draft-dodgers, but are all too ready to attack Democrats? The last time I checked, Democratic leaders Tom Daschle, Daniel Inouye (Congressional Medal of Honor winner), Ted Kennedy (yes, Ted Kennedy), Dick Gephardt, Al Gore, Bob Kerrey (another Congressional Medal of Honor winner) and John Kerry, a highly decorated Vietnam War hero, all served in the military, while the GOP leaders listed above skipped out.
   As the GOP list of draft-dodgers points out, Mr. Williams' jibe at Clinton is hypocritical nonsense. And if you must continue calling Clinton a draft-dodger, please don't forget to include some of the names listed above in your conversation.

Fair play!