I am angry that so many of the sons of the powerful and well-placed ... managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units .... Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to their country (Colin Powell, My American Journey, p. 148)


Dave the Wonder Boy said:

You label service in the National Guard (as Dan Quayle and George Bush both served) as "evading service".
I hope you fucking say that sometime to a National Guardsman, and he smashes your face into crimson jelly.

The National Guard is military service. Many dying in Iraq were National Guardsmen, who were called into active duty in Iraq.

And your calling them "draft evaders" is distortion of the highest order, and deeply insulting.
And deeply unpatriotic.
And deeply unappreciative of the sacrifice these men and women have made, under Clinton and Bush, serving for long periods away from their careers and their families, to say nothing of risking their lives.

I obviously wasn't referring to our National Guardsmen but to those from wealthy influential families that used it to evade the draft. Please take note of the Colin Powell quote as he says it much better. Incredibly cheap & scummy for you to even try & infer I was slamming our troops. If for nothing else, nobody in the National Guards is a draft dodger because their is no draft to dodge. Please don't hide behind them or cheap patriotism that dissolves when you bash vets & others that are serving our country but don't share your political views. And I would love to see you tell one of our servicemen that Bush's term of service was every bit as good as theirs. (preferably while your blocking them from enemy fire)

Fair play!