
Dave the Wonder Boy said:

The Colin Powell quote (about a situation that existed during the Vietnam-era military draft from 1964-1973, but no longer exists)is about the disparity of service between rich and poor, NOT as you allege, that Republicans got cushy military service position, and Democrats allegedly had to do the real fighting.
It is partisan and deceitful for you to allege that it was Republicans who were across the board assigned to cushy positions. And you did saythat National Guard service by Bush was "draft evasion", which is exactly the type of contempt for armed service as I've come to expect from you, and liberals like you.

You know exactly what you insinuate about the National Guard, and then you backpedal when called on it to imply you meant something else.

What a liar! Either that or you didn't really read what I just recently posted. For the record I said:

"And please consider your actions when you make broad attacks at Democrats. It's not just Republicans who have given their lives defending this country, nor just Republicans fighting at this very minute for your freedom while you type your poison. "
(note my recognition of Republicans)

" I don't buy that one party is more patriotic than the other , so this following link & article is just to illustrate who your attacking with your generalizations." (Kind of says just the opposite of what your accusing me of. These are all before I posted the article that compared service records.)

And the Powell quote doesn't apply to our President's National Guard service how?

Fair play!