
whomod said:

"You're talking about the late period of November, when things were winding down in Afghanistan," White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan told reporters, confirming that Bush spoke to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld at that time "about planning related to Iraq."

"But there is a difference between planning and making a decision" to go to war, McClellan said.

This post says a lot. But not about Bush. About whomod and like-minded partisans.

Whomod would have you think that this is some sort of "smoking gun" that shows that the eeevile President Bush was plotting to attack Iraq for eevile motivations, simply because he was planning for a potential attack on Iraq in late 2001.

However, as the quote--from the very article whomod cited--notes, there's a world of difference between planning for something and actually doing it.

Furthermore, consider the context here.

In late 2001, we were still reeling from September 11, we were targeting Afghanistan, and we weren't sure where terrorists might be striking from next.

In addition, both parties (Democrat and Republican) believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and there were indications that he might be tied to Al Quaeda.

So, of course, Bush--or any halfway decent President of any party--would be looking at options for attacking Iraq.

So, what we have here is an article that should surprise absolutely no one.

And the left is acting like it's the second coming of "Deep Throat."