
Paul Mandral said:

You guys completely miss the big picture in your rush to defend the president.

If you say so.


The POINT of the report was that we went to war based amlmost completely on the testimony of ONE dodgy informant! Despite the fact that there was information that he was unrelaible.

From the report:

"After a thorough review, the commission found no indication that the intelligence community distorted the evidence regarding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. What the intelligence professionals told you about Saddam Hussein's programs was what they believed. They were simply wrong."

Professionals. Not just "curveball".


What the report fails to do is blame the President for not demanding more corroborating evidence of WMDs.

Maybe because they didn't believe it was right to blame him...? Just because you want to see it happen, doesn't mean it should.


Sometimes I think it's just pointless to argue with people like you because you'll buy anything you hear, spin every news story, only to protect a man that made an incredibly poor decision. It's to the point of delusion sometimes. You don't even care that the WMD info was faulty.

What more justification do I need for labeling it blind support?

The "Curveball" figure was at fault for the intelligence failure. But Bush is the one that made the decision to invade based on this information. What kind of leader doesn't get 100% assuredness before sending our brave men and women off to die for our country?

Instead of doing that, they just bought it lock, stock and barrel as if it was TRUTH, when in fact, it should have been questioned. I seroiusly doubt it made it into the "check this out" pile of evidence.

Serious lies of omission occurred when this intelligence was not actually scrutinized or questioned, but taken at face value.

Then there's the UN weapon's inspectors.

The administration chose to NOT regard those findings at all, you know the ones that said there weren't any WMD's in Iraq since, what was it, 1998? Another lie of omission, if you ask me.

So don't be claiming any victory when in fact you can't see the forest from the trees.

Unfortunately, the 1,500 soldiers who have been killed so far are the one who have lost.

This is an issue of them as well as thousands or 10's of thousands of Iraqi civilians dead. And a few thousand Iraqi soldiers. That's a lot of people that are dead for no reason. "Conservatives" didn't win. "libtards" didn't lose. WE ALL LOST. So much for that "culture of Life" I keep hearing about.

Recall the statements that Bush made regarding "yellowcake" to the UN, and the director of the CIA wanted him to censor that?

No, not to be squelched at all, but George just went and BLURTED it out like a foul stinking belch, and used it as persuasion to gain UN support.

(He) didn't seem to know how or what to screen, just add any suggestive info that put him in iraq by March 2004.

Lies or not, that shows if anything, some crappy if not criminal judgement.

If German intelligence was telling them Curveball was a phony, then that puts the lie to the claim that "everybody in the world thought Saddam had WMD."
They didn't. It was clear when Powell was making his case to the U.N. that nobody was buying it. Of course, that didn't make it into the newspapers here or onto the cable news channels.

It also makes it clear why Germany didn't join the "Coalition of the Willing." (Of course, since Palau was with us, I guess Germany doesn't matter.)

I didn't read any of that.


They didn't name him fastball, or even knuckleball.
No, they named him for a pitch that is tough to hit because it is deceptive. The one whose name every sixth grader knows is a slang phrase for deception.

Does one really need to be told TO NOT to trust someone named "curveball"??

You sure are hung up on this dude's code name, or whatever it was.