
the G-man said:
Let me ask a question: suppose the extreme left gets it way and, by some near-miracle, Bush gets impeached.

You guys on the left want CHENEY front and center? Isn't that, in your mind, sort of like replacing Annikin Skywalker with Emperor Palpatine?

I can only speak for myself but I think that if we were lied into a war, it wasn't just by Bush. I'd expect every single person responsible to be held to account. That includes Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton and the PNAC instigators to meet justice.

If intentionally deceiving the U.S. Congress is an impeachable offence, then President Bush deserves impeachment—because every time he assured congressmen that he hoped to avoid war, he deceived them. And if commencing war without receiving Congressional approval is an impeachable offense—which it certainly is—then President Bush merits impeachment. For, strictly speaking, Bush took America to war in May 2002 when he authorized the intense bombings designed to degrade Iraq defense capacity, if not provoke a response by Saddam.

Finally, as the August 2002 top secret National Security Presidential Directive proves, Bush had committed America to an invasion of Iraq before seeking Congressional approval.

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor To comfort the powerless and make the powerful uncomfortable.