
wannabuyamonkey said:

I love how prepared you are to capitilize on the grief of the brave men and women doing thier jobs proudly. Although for someone so concerned with the safety of our troops you seem strangely silent when they're compared to Nazis by a US senetor or have no problem when the media rushed to publish unchecked stories that serve to do little other than endanger the troops more. Most of the stuff you guys post is just silly, but having many close friends and family serving proudly in the armed forces this kind of stunt alwayse upsets me. And when my buddies in the service read this they don't seem to "feel the support" rather they usually get pretty pissed off.

What's your problem? PaulWellr posted a news article that illustrates the senseless nature of this war and by so doing is accused of "capitalaizing" on others' grief. He makes no editorial comment. Would it be different if some other reactionary like yourself had posted it?

You seem to believe USA soldiers do no wrong. When compared to Nazis because of their treatment of POWs you rally to their defense. My Lai? Hey, they were just lads up to fun. The genocide of American Indians? So what if a little raping and murdering happened?

They're our boys and we're proud of them! They were stupid enough to buy into Bush's patriotic bullshit and now I'm supposed to support them? Fuck You.

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.