
wannabuyamonkey said:

magicjay38 said:

What's your problem? PaulWellr posted a news article that illustrates the senseless nature of this war and by so doing is accused of "capitalaizing" on others' grief. He makes no editorial comment. Would it be different if some other reactionary like yourself had posted it?

Well, as with most debates and studies context is key. I'm not responding to a single post of Paul's as if it were in a vacume. I'm responding to the latest in a trend of like minded posts of his. You're new here so I'll let this slide.

Thank you MonkeyMan, your indulgance is greatly appreciated. I'm so worried about what would happen if you if you didn't grant me that.



You seem to believe USA soldiers do no wrong. When compared to Nazis because of their treatment of POWs you rally to their defense. My Lai? Hey, they were just lads up to fun. The genocide of American Indians? So what if a little raping and murdering happened?

You still seem to have this amazing ability to read outside the lines (making assumptions that aren't implied as aposed to reading between the lines to infer what's clearly implied) I never said US soldiers do no wrong, but the comparrison to nazis is unfounded. Either those who make the comparison know nothing of what the Nazis did to innocent women and children or they have no clue as to the humane nature of the treatment we give enemy combatants. IOW Either you overstate the behaviour of out troops or understate the behaviour of the Nazis, your choice. Oh and where the hell do you get any of my comments as having anything to do with native Americans?

I'm confused. You correct me for saying that I read something that was not there in your original post, then go on to make the statement directly? All the examples given are of bad behaviour by USA troops to captives. Does it make a difference if your torturer salutes the Stars and Bars rather than the Swastica:? !:



They're our boys and we're proud of them! They were stupid enough to buy into Bush's patriotic bullshit and now I'm supposed to support them? Fuck You.

That's fine. At least you're man enough to admit that you DON'T support the troops. My main beef is with those who want it both ways. And um...... F*dge you too..... I guess.

I support the troops! I think they each should be issued bras or jock straps, depending on gender. Oh, and I put a flag on my car!
'F*dge you too..... I guess' Poor WBAM! Wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthfull

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.