
Chant said:
opinion is something you have to be VERY concerned about, especially world opinion, if you aren't, suddenly you won't have any allies.

That's some of the most idiotic logic I've ever encountered. What if every country in the world was governed by individuals of the Joseph Stalin variety except for yours? Would you think it prudent to aliken your mannerisms to their actions simply to make friends?


Red Cross most certainly DO know what constitutes torture and what doesn't.

And if you can't acknowledge the Red Cross, or one of your own law enforcement agencies, then you are in a sorry state indeed.

I'm not sure if you realized, but "torture" is a very loaded term. Not allowing someone to go to the bathroom whilst interrogating them and after giving them massive amounts of water can be considered torture. Would you want the precincts to stop practicing this technique because it coinsides loosely with the definition of "torture".