
Chant said:
what I meant was that clinton lied about having sex, and the bush administration lied about torture at gitmo

it's a metaphor (sp?)


r3x29yz4a said:
Did you know during WWII Germans were more willing to surrender to us because we had a good reputation for treating POWs humanely in WWI?
These tortues could still be an issue in 20 years.

That's a very good point. And one I hadn't considered before.

I still think that the real problem is that the media is applying it's typical "if it bleeds it leads" mentality to isolated incidents of inhumane treatement and, therefore, creating the impression that the situation is more widespread than it is.

However, your point is an excellent one as to why the military brass and the Bush administration need to make sure than anyone who does treat prisoners inhumanely is appropriately punished.