
theory9 said:
I knew it!

That you're a partisan cocksucker ?

Seriously, I don't know whether you're making a sincere attempt at objectivity, but I've been pretty clear in my above statements that I DON'T just re-inforce the Republican talking points, that I DO criticize the president, constructively, and that I DON'T just believe and take for granted everything as true that the Republicans say.
Whether it's G.W. Bush, Bush Sr., Reagan, Nixon or whoever.

And I offered plenty of constructive criticisms of W. Bush in my above post.
And I have done so consistently, across many topics for the last 3 years.

Which you conveniently bypassed in your attempt to smear me as just another blind partisan who never criticizes or recognizes proven mistakes of leaders in my party.
I just did !!
Re-read my above post. Among many others.

Which is rather weaselly and deceitful, although you did it under a veil of "just kidding" , as has been done often by many "non-partisan" liberals on the RKMB boards.


    Welcome back board, page 5

    humorless buttheads call me humorless for responding to nonsense I'd rather ignore. The problem is not just playful insults like "DTWB is a homo!" like is directed at Rob Kamphausen, Franta and others. The problem is that liberal assholes have so thoroughly woven their insults with serious accusations, so that any response to counter the personal smears can be characterized as my over-reacting to "jokes", under a veil of plausible deniability that such comments are only meant as "humor".
    But the jokes are not playful, and I think we all know that.

Another topic where I've given weight to both sides, acknowledged mistakes by Republicans, and not just demonized the Democrats, the way liberal-partisans have Republicans:

    Clinton's Legacy

Along with these others, where I acknowledged errors by Bush and/or other Republicans, while giving a much-needed counter-balancing conservative perspective to expose the rampant lying demonization rhetoric of Whomod and others:

    Bush campaign ad uses Hitler image of Democrats    

    U.N. Nuke Agency Warns N.Korea to Comply

    The Chronicles of Enron    
    Is WALMART what's wrong with America?

    Is Roy Moor a man of God or a self serving ass hole?

    War bias appropriate, say viewers

    Coalition forces torture Iraqi prisoners    

Among many others, where I have no shyness about acknowledging conservative mistakes, sometimes large errors, others small errors insignificant in the greater sweep of events.  

It annoys me that you, and several others, demonize the Republicans, and then when called on it try and present yourselves as above the fray and allege: "Well, both sides do it equally."
No, they don't.
I don't see anyone posting here on the conservative side who posts the kind of inflammatory rhetoric that I consistently respond to and deconstruct as the viciously partisan liberal propaganda that it is.

Conservatives here, including G-Man, WBAM, BSAMS, Pariah, MrJLA and others, are consistently responding to outrageous statements from the left.

And then cocksuckers on the left continually duck acknowledging the valid counter-arguments, the complete lack of facts to support liberal allegations, and who lacking facts then resort to personal insults, and absolutely refuse to have a polite discussion about the issue without personalizing it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.