Someone, I think it was WBAM, pointed that...interesting...dichotomy at work here.

When Republicans agree on an issue, they are accused of being, mindless sheep. When they disagree, it means 'chaos' in the GOP. Spmething of a "damned if you do...damned if you don't" mentality there, eh?

Perhaps, instead of chaos or mindlessness, Republicans are actually able to disuss and tolerate a broad range of ideas?

If you look at Hagel's comments about "losing" Iraq, he did NOT echo the comments of the left (including Sheehan) that we should cut and run. Instead, Hagel agreed with Bush that there should be no timetable for withdrawl. He also stated that he wanted the President to have "flexibility" in deciding the deployment and withdrawl issue.

In short, what we have is one Republican respectfully disagreeing with some minor tactical decisions of another Republican, but still supporting the overall goal.