
I'd be happy to provide direct quotes from Rush Limbaugh and David Horowitz if you'd like. Limbaugh's in particular is hysterical. One day after smearing her and getting an unusual amount of heat for it, he denied he ever said what he had said and instead blamed the liberal media misquoting him !


What a punk ass!


Here's another example of why no one takes you seriously. You're just spoon fed what the left what's you to hear. I acctually listen to Air America, but to no surprise i listen to Libaugh. He agknoledged SEVERAL times that he felt symapthy for Sheehan and her loss He agknoledged many times that her loss was real BEFORE making the statement misquoted. He THEN went on to explain that what was false about her story was the suposed sponaniousness of camping out in front of the Bush ranch. It's pathetic that your side relies on such sad attempts. They assume that those on your side won't acctually do the research themselves, well the episode you refer to when he FIRST made the statement is available on his site. Anyone who acctually takes the time to look into it themselves will see that everything I said is true and that to believe your side would have to take the quote as though it were isolated with no context. That's why people like me BOLT from the left as soon as they start to listen to both sides. You talk about blindly following the ideas of others, well it seems that your side is far more guilty of that than mine. The only reason you think that you can think for yourself is because your pupett masters tell you that you're thinking for yourselves.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k