
Wonder Boy said:...
As Sen. John McCain repeated for the Nth time this morning on NBC's Meet the Press (after Russert's over and over rephrasing a narrow line of questioning, in a sleazy attempt to make McCain say Bush was wrong), McCain said that "Mistakes have been made in every war, including this one." but that McCain still overall supports President Bush's actions in Iraq. ...

I understand that there are no mistake free wars but there are mistakes & then there are mistakes that should never have been made. Mistakes that call to question what type of leadership our troops are getting. I know nothing about war but even I know you don't invade a country & not plan for an insurgency. That is just crazy.



Matter-eater Man said:Oh & I thought 9/11 happened while Bush was President.

But Bush was only in office barely 8 months. It was 8 years of Clinton doing nothing to resolve Saddam Hussein's antagonism and U.N. violations, that set the stage for 9-11.

Specifically Al-Qaida's stated "Declaration of Jihad" that U.S./"Crusader" troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia, in Bin Ladin's mind, violating the heart of Islam. Clinton sat on 5this situation, when he had abundant justification (by Saddam Hussein's actions ) to invade and resolve the situation, removing the need for U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia.

Clinton had 8 years that he squandered.

George W. Bush had barely 8 months.

It's been over 6 yrs now for Bush. I think it's fair to say he has a bit more incentive for getting Bin Laden than Clinton did pre-9/11. There was more to Bin Laden's 9/11 than Clinton having troops in Saudi Arabia. He didn't plan to Pearl Harbor us because of Clinton.



Matter-eater Man said:
His leadership in those first crucial minutes of the first tower getting hit consisted of him reading a children's book. He's been consistent with his leadership during the Iraq war & Katrina.

That's just an infantile argument, typical leftist whining, that offers blind criticism of Bush, with no suggestion for an alternative course of action.
Until the second plane hit the second tower, no one thought it was a terrorist attack, just a tragic accident.

Please explain what difference that tiny fraction of minutes would have made. [/quite]

I would argue that the folks who went to the trouble sending the President a brief titled something like "Bin Laden plans to use planes in a terrorist attack" might have suspected. They may have even figured the President would have remembered reading it. That is of course to much to expect of this particular President though. I would have preferred a President who was a bit quicker on his feat. Somebody who used those first 8 months not moving terrorism to the backburner to tackle StarWars missile defense & taking a month long vacation but prioritizing a bit better. Those couple of minutes between planes crashing into the towers was just a prelude to how Bush handles diseasters.


Would Bush have personally scrambled to an F-16 himself and personally shot down the plane before it hit the second WTC tower?
Bush was on the other side of the country.

If he somehow magically had been able to stop the second plane, you'd just be wailing that he killed all the Americans on the plane, and should have found a way to save them, bla bla bla.
What crap.

You have the President you deserve, unfortunatley we have to share

Fair play!