
Matter-eater Man said:
Since we've had a thread by G-man concerning Iraq & Democrats (the Calling for Surrender thread) it's well past time to have one for the Republicans & Iraq.

I'll let John Kerry start this out...

...'Lie and Die'

Kerry, a former presidential candidate, was well-prepared for the Republican criticism and took to the morning radio airwaves on Don Imus' popular program to fight back.
"'Cut and run' — that's their phrase," he said. "They found their three words. They love to do that. And they're going to try to make the elections in November a choice between 'cut and run' and 'stay the course.' That's not the choice."
"My plan is not 'cut and run,'" he said. "Their plan is 'lie and die.' And that's what they are doing. They lie to America, what's happening on the ground. They lie about why we're there. They lie about what's happening. And our plan is very simple. It's redeploy to win the war on terror. Change to succeed."

ABC News

But wait...

Since Kerry made the same claims about Iraq as Bush prior to the war, even prior to Bush taking office, does that mean he's lying too?