
Kerry, a former presidential candidate, was well-prepared for the Republican criticism and took to the morning radio airwaves on Don Imus' popular program to fight back.

lol, Whoever described that clearly didn't hear the same thing I did. Sorry, but quipping with a comeback ryme doesn;t mean he's well prepared. The thing is "Cut and run" accurately describes the Murtha and Kerry plans. If packing up teh troops and leaving to "redeploy" in Okenawa some 4000 miles away isn;t cutting and running then what is? Those two and those who support them have a policy that is accurately described as cutting and running. Is there anyone who truly believes that teh Republican policy is that they lie and die. For one it has yet to be demonstrated that Bush lied about Iraq and do you think it's acctually the Bush policy for troops to die? Is Kerry seriously saying that Bush's goal and strategy is to kill as many of our own troops as possible? If so he's a sick ass-hole, if not then he's just plain stupid.

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