Well, MY feeling about a Manned mission/
Base or Colony on Mars???

In the Words of The Governator in Total Recall :

" Get Your Ass to Mars. "

I was 12 years old Summer of 1969 when Niel
Armstrong became the first man to walk on the
surface of the Moon. I watched it on TV while
away at summer camp. I remember I said to a friend
right then and There, " Next, we'll have a colony
on the Moon and then it's onward to Mars!!!"

Well, as we all know, there were a few more
manned landings on the Moon afterwards, and since
December 1972,...... Nothing. No base, No colony.

Though we have a LONG way to go as a species in our
evolution, and have yet to resolve issues here, I think
it actually might further our evolution if we undertake
of the manned exploration and colonization of space.

Please Note : This is ONLY after we are certain we can
travel in space Relatively safely.

It may be years before this is possible, but we should
be working on this NOW.

Colonies in space mean more Jobs.

The United States of America was founded by Explorers,
who bravely crossed unknown and uncharted oceans
in fragile, leaky wooden vessels. It is our Destiny
to continue this spirit of Exploration.

The alternative is stagnation. We have been doing
this as a Species for some time now.

I am aware that change is slow, but right now,
we need a new goal, a bold new direction.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.