I was already on record as being a McCain suppoprter and then this surprising peice in todays Times appeared.

Efforts to Honor Chavez Hit Barriers in Congress
A decade after the labor leader's death, key bills to designate a national holiday and preserve significant sites languish

..But the fledgling effort to secure historic sites remains fraught with problems. Supporters concede it may take a few years to convince certain lawmakers — notably members of the California GOP delegation — that Chavez is worthy of National Park Service honors.

Legislation by Rep. Hilda L. Solis (D-El Monte) failed to find momentum last year, leading backers to turn to McCain this year in hopes of garnering bipartisan support. McCain successfully shepherded the legislation through the Senate, but it has stalled in the House subcommittee that oversees national parks. A companion measure by Solis also remains in the House.

Similar legislation by Rep. Joe Baca (D-San Bernardino) asking President Bush to create a federal holiday honoring Chavez has stalled. Republican House members had previously passed a rule that prohibits lawmakers from proposing more federal holidays, arguing that there are already too many.

"I realize this may take a little time, but I am committed to getting it done," McCain said. "What has happened over time is that [Chavez] has begun to be appreciated for the causes he championed and the people he stood up for. King was also controversial. The woman who led the women's suffrage movement was also controversial. When people challenge the conventional wisdom of their time, they're usually controversial."

Some supporters asserted this month that the McCain bill may not pass this year because Republican Rep. George Radanovich, the Fresno-area farmer who heads the House subcommittee, had privately vowed that it would not receive a hearing.

Wow! [humina humina] Not the kinds of words I usually associate with Republicans. that's why i dig on McCain so much. He's a guy of conviction and not a "party" guy.