Originally posted by Soy un perdedor:
Well, let's discuss what it is to be an American. Does that mean unrequitted devotion to our leaders, even when they do foolish things? Should we stand by our leaders when they send 18 year olds to Vietnam in a war that drags on with no victory in sight, and a blurred sense of why we were there in the first place?

Happens every war. 18 year olds are sent because they signed up to defend their country. If war breaks out, they're the first ones to get sent, when needed, the draft is initiated and more are sent. I'm sure there were plenty of younger kids fighting the civil war.

If you want to talk about how "18 year olds are sent to war" then look at countries like Iran and Iraq. Military personel hand guns and rifles to kids on the street there by drafting them in the war. Or they'll just draft them into their army other ways. You should be glad this country set the age to 18 because if it didn't have that, then younger teenagers could easily be sent to war.

On a some what related note, I caught a clip on the news tonight as I was channel surfing. The air and water show is going on this weekend (in Chicago) and ther were people there protesting the war. One guy even showed up with a torn pair of pants, fake blood poured over his body, and put a bandage on his head while he stood there holding a sign. I find all the protesters to be idiots. Not one of them is supporting our troops with their actions. They may claim that by protesting the war, their trying to save their lives, but in reality, how many of them know someone fighting in the war? I'll be none of them. It seems to me that the more people support the war because they have a loved one there.

As for the topic on hand, I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Haven't watched much tv this week, if at all.