Perhaps because liberals dominate the mainstream news?

Ann Coulter has a way with expressing herself in clear hyperbole, while even as it's a clear exaggeration, PERFECTLY captures the spirit (and absurdity) of liberal rhetoric she criticizes.

An example I saw today in an article where Coulter was mentioned:

Ann Coulter:

"Donations to the Odai and Qusai Hussein Memorial Fund can be submitted directly to the Dean campaign."

While clearly, the Dean campaign is not literally making a donation to a Hussein memorial, the rhetoric of Dean (and many other vocal Democrats) is serving the cause of the opposition in Iraq.

As I quoted on another topic, Hal Lindsey said the Muslim fundamentalists themselves call these anti-American Democrats "useful idiots" , because of their utterly clueless and unwitting service to the Islamic extremist/fundamentalist cause:
  • of trashing America's credibility worldwide, and leveraging the U.S. to prematurely leave Iraq,
  • and/or cause the mission to end in failure,
  • and liberals' constantly diverting attention from the rapid progress occurring in Iraq,
    despite the incredible pace of reconstruction,
  • support of a majority of the Iraqi people --(see the Wall Street Journal article I posted on the WMD topic, on a poll of Iraqis, and accounts of imbedded reporters in Iraq)
  • and the rapid move toward free elections in Iraq, less than a year after Hussein was overthrown, DESPITE the ongoing attacks and suicide-bombings.

Ann Coulter manages to capture all that, in a single hard-hitting and playfully hyperbolic sentence.