Well, I didn't really know what to expect. I thought she came across as quite intelligent, and spouted off a nice salvo of one-liners.
Similar to Rush Limbaugh, there was a lot of playful humor in her comments, and she didn't come across with the angriness that I see liberals repeatedly vilify her for.

The subject of the program segment was Ward Churchill, the Colorado professor who made some outrageous comments about Americans needing "another 9-11", and the professor vocally expressing an over-sympathetic viewpoint toward Islamic terror, and a distortedly negative opinion of the U.S., for which the board of regents of that university is weighing whether to deny the professor tenure and fire him.

Although some of Coulter's comments were a little more vulgar than I would have liked. The "it's like farting in a church" comment I could have done without.

I actually think they should let this professor jerk keep his job, rather than glorify him as a martyr to liberals nationwide by firing him.
Then can his sorry ass later, quietly, for other academic (rather than political) reasons.

Coulter basically said that the liberal professor is a coward pretending to be a radical, because as a college professor he can say whatever he wants without risk of being fired, and that if he were a true radical, he'd make his inflammatory comments from a pundit where he stood a chance of being fired or taken off the air for his views, or having people not choose to buy his books, as would an author or radio/television commentator who runs that risk.

Mention was given to a recent New York Times survey, showing an average 7 out of 8 surveyed professors identify themselves as "liberal".
Demonstrating the views thrust on students are disproportionately one-sided, with no attempt made at academic balance.