
Matter-eater Man said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
What if what she said was true, would it still be vile? There are people in the world who capitalise on tradgedy, some even capitalise on thier own. To point that out is hardly evil. But please, keep arguing against Ann Coulters use of personal attacks by calling her evil.

She didn't use the word capitalise though. Coulter said "enjoy". It's highly unlikely any of the widows enjoyed their husbands being burned alive on 9/11. Your trying to rationalize the indefensible.

I'll take these seperate, but you and Ray continue to make her point ( a point you aren;t familiar with since you haven;t read the book ) By refering to her statement as "indefenceable". Enjoy and capitalise are in many ways synonomouse. She is not saying they enjoyed the act of thier deaths, that's just absurd. What they enjoy is the popularity and noteriety they recieve as a result.

*edited to add: Are her statements any more "indefensable" than the implication that it is Bush's policy to kill our troops?

Last edited by wannabuyamonkey; 2006-06-24 5:47 AM.

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