
Matter-eater Man said:
If it's a case of the widows taking advantage of their husbands death in 9/11 for political advantage as being argued, then there is also a President & his party who have "enjoyed" 9/11 also. Still want to follow that line of reasoning guys?

Yes, I want to follow the line of reasoning, bucause frankly the left has been making that claim for a LONG time. We can debate the validity of the claim on Bush and I think our side could come out on top, but that's the debate. What you're saying is that to even make the claim about the widows is off limits and indefenceable. I'll point out again that Kerry claimed that it's the Bush administrations policy to kill the troops and yet no outrage. We can have the debate about who's capitalisining on what and our side won't call it off bounds.

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