
I just don't buy the rationallizations you & WB have put forth. It seems to me that Coulter is the one that wants to sidestep debate & just engage in character assasination.

Really? Have you read the book or are you basing your entire opinion on the quote teh media has decided to circulate? She does engage in teh debate and does it quite well. But instead of engaging her in the debate, the left finds it easy to cry victim and point out that one of her quotes was mean and uncalled for.


If it had been a liberal making the same nasty evil comment Coulter made at a group of conservative 9/11 widows, it would still be evil nasty comments. Basic human decency just isn't defined along partisan lines.

Really? Because if I were to define the line I would place it at comparing terrorists to our founding fathers or comparing our troops to terrorists or Nazis or accusing someone of desireing thier deaths for political gain. Yet the left does that all the time. You just want to define the line and you want to put people in the public debate whome you define as untouchable.

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