The examples are abundant, G-man, to be sure.

It seems to me that M E M's best defense is to allege:
"Well, the Republicans do it too. Look at what Ann Coulter says."

But my point is that the Republicans (including Coulter) never take it as far as Democrats do. At their very worst, Republicans turn the same rhetoric back on the Democrats, turning their own mischaracterizations back on them. Such as the ad that morphed Bush into a Nazi. The Republicans responded with a similar ad that was a clear reference to the ad it responded to.

I've said again and again what Ann Coulter's central point was about the 9-11 wives. These weren't women who innocently sat by and passively made remarks that favored Democrats. These were women who held press conferences and cavorted with the elite of the Democrat party, who were clearly assisted in an organized campaign to attack President Bush and the war itself.
And yet Ann Coulter and others are not allowed to comment on that public display, and the exploitative nature of their widow status that they ride on ??!?!?

How dare she !" you say.

Well I say: How dare you !

It is not a matter of these women (and Cindy Sheehan, and Richard Clarke, and Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame) wrapping themselves in the flag. But is instead a matter of these assholes cloaking themselves in the flag, hiding their bitter partisan motives that, far from defending this country, are targeted to weaken and divide the country, for their own selfish and political objectives.

But Ann Coulter and other conservatives are not allowed to question their intentions? These widows aren't grieving, they're campaigning !

Your argument against Coulter (for her criticizing 9-11 widows who exploit their widow status to attack, then hide behind their widow image as a shield from criticism) is bullshit.

A lowest common denominator emotionally charged smokescreen that (as Coulter points out, but you constantly try to distract from) Democrats hide behind and say "These people are widows/goldstar moms/CIA agents/etc. , how dare you question their motives or what they say"

Well, if these people were grieving quietly (or regarding Clarke and Wilson, just doing their jobs instead of playing partisan games), that would be another story.
But when they go in front of TV cameras, allege Bush was complicit in a 9-11 conspiracy, demand independent investigations, publicly bash the president, publicly bash the Iraq war, publicly endorse Kerry's 2004 campaign, then they have waived my sympathy, and they deserve to be questioned, commented on and scrutinized, just as publicly.

Which is all Coulter has done. And more fucking power to her.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.