
Matter-eater Man said:

Wonder Boy said:

Matter-eater Man said:
If I wasn't clear I meant that I don't support the protesters bashing the troops while you support Coulter claiming the 9/11 widows enjoyed their deaths.

Again, that's your own spin, that completely bypasses the larger point Coulter was making.
When widows repeatedly hold press conferences slamming the President, they have made vicious allegations, and can no longer hide behind "grieving widow" status to protect them from answering a dialogue that they initiated on their motives and allegations.
"Grieving" widows don't hold press conferences and launch partisan attacks.

I'm not the one who has to run away from Coulter's original quote, so who's really doing the spinning? When Coulter refers to the 9/11 widows as bitches or claims they enjoyed their husbands' deaths it's not rocket science what Coulter is about.

"Running away" from Coulter's remarks is quoting the full remarks she made, instead of your misleading soundbyte?

It seems to me that it's you who's trying, by selective omission, to bypass her point and paint her as "mean" or "unkind" to avoid her larger point from being heard.



Wonder Boy said:

Matter Eater Man said:
You can keep on repeating your rationalization of Coulter's character assasinations, I'll keep repeating my dissagrement & distaste for her nastiness.

You keep giving partisan distortion of what Ann Coulter actually said , and I'll keep redirecting the discussion to the true situation and facts.
Coulter is responding to "nastiness" from the Left, not initiating it.

Why not print some excerpts from the interview that you feel better explain how Coulter really didn't mean that the widows enjoyed their deaths. I'm sure there's a transcript version out there that you can use if you don't want to use the Media Matters one that I posted earlier.

I've already quoted her multiple times and posted the entire 8-and-1/2-minute video segment from Jay Leno. Multiple times.

Your saying otherwise is just so much misleading smoke.


Matter Eater Man said:

Wonder Boy said:

Matter Eater Man said:
I support the troops. There are posts in the past where I've voiced that support.

You hate the mission but support the troops?

It's hard to remember who (among liberals) said what here on RKMB after almost three and a half years of war. But I'd like if you could detail how you support the troops when you're, by all appearances, so opposed to every aspect of the war in Iraq.
It seems to me that in wanting to withdraw them prematurely, you want their sacrifice over the last three-plus years to have been for nothing.

I know that comes across as mocking, but it's not. How do you reconcile the two (opposing the war, supporting the troops). I'd just like to understand that perspective.

Fair enough. I don't hate the mission as you say. The goals were all good IMHO. I just believe people like Murtha who argue it's now a matter of how many troops die before we pull out. We've gone from fighting terrorist to fighting a growing number of insurgents. As much of the mission has been achieved as can be.

That would be the same Murtha who responds to Rove's public speech about liberal/Democrat defeatism, and instead of responding to the issue, basically calls Rove a fat-ass ?

Yeah, that's some insightful and persuasive pressing of the facts on Murtha's part. No smokescreen of personal insults and venom at all.
And rhetoric from Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, Kerry and the rest of the liberal leadership is equally filled with venom and distortions.
If they would limit their discussion to the issue and related indisputable facts, rather than inflammatory rhetoric and personal insults, I might be persuaded. But they shatter their own credibility with these tactics, regardless of anything the Republicans say.

Your comments about inevitable defeat (based in part on Murtha's remarks about inevitable defeat) are exactly why I despise the current Democrat leadership, and would never trust them, despite Bush's mistakes, as an alternative to Bush's leadership.
The Democrats have no plan to turn things around or run a more efficient war. Despite every effort on your part to spin it otherwise, they are ready to just give up.
And I might add (as G-man and others have quoted across several topics) many of the veterans who return from Iraq do NOT support what Murtha is saying, and see progress in Iraq that is not reflected in news coverage or in the rhetoric they hear when they come home to the U.S..

I say it again:

If during World War II this country were subject to the same liberal sympathy for the enemy that exists now, the same outright liberal disinformation, the same divisive partisan attacks on our leaders at every turn, the same calls to bring our troops home with every minor setback and bombing, then we would have lost World War II.