
wannabuyamonkey said:

Matter-eater Man said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
nonononono... that's not what you said. You said that I was "using a partisan political columnist to define who is Godless for me" Supporting a thesis (which I do in part, but not entirely as you define the thesis) is a far cry from saying that my opinion is shaped by the person putting forth the thesis. I define Godlessness as I define it irrespecive of how Anne Coulter defines it.

Which part of Coulter's idea of "Godless" do you agree with then?

I would define those who don;t believe in God or decisions made w/out the consideration of God to be "Godless". Beyond that I'm not going to reprint teh entire book and highlight those portions I agree with... Why don;t you raise a specific issue and I'll tell you my thoughts...... Or I could simply post the entire book and if you fail to respond to the entire thing then I guess i could say you got pwnt.

Well I think the obvious one would be Coulter's arguement defines who "Godless" is with a partisan line. From what I read of Ch1, she's talking in broad terms about liberals. Not some or many but all liberals being "Godless". Do you agree with that?

Fair play!