I can understand you guys' points, but I still stand with my arguement. For too many people on death row, execution is a relief. It's seems like every time I see an interview with an inmate on death row, I always hear them say something along the lines of "I feel so terrible about what has happened and I just want to get this over with. I can't live with this guilt anymore." These people want to be killed so they don't have to live with the pain and anguish that they've dumped on friends and family of the victim. Why would you want to give them this chance to escape?

If somebody killed a loved one of mine, I think I would feel much better knowing that he will spend the next forty of fifty years of his life being passed around like a drunk soriety girl then him getting a chance to "escape" after only a year or two of punishment...

Course, then again, I think that torture should be allowed in prison also, but that's that's a whole 'nother mess...