Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:

I find this sweeping statement about Christianity unfounded and insulting. It clearly has a contempt for Christianity, a level of bias and contempt that makes me wonder if the rest of what the writer says could possibly be accurate.

Funny that you would disagree with one of the few points from the original article that I actually agree with.

The idea that the scriptures of Christianity, Islam, and most any other religion share the common potential of misuse has been proven time and time again throughout history. If you don't believe that the teachings of Christianity can be interpreted in many different ways, review this thread.

Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:

Islam is far more conquest-oriented and brutal at its root. The early spread of Islam was through conquest for hundreds of years, and putting any in conquered areas who would not convert to Islam "to the sword".

Muslims ruled Spain for roughly 800 years and during that time, the non-Muslims there were alive and flourishing. Christian and Jewish minorities have survived in the Muslim lands of the Middle East for centuries. Countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan all have Christian and/or Jewish populations. If Islam taught that all people are supposed to be killed or forced to become Muslims, how did all of these non-Muslims survive for so long in the middle of the Islamic Empire?

After Christianity gained dominance in the Roman Empire, it became clear that they regarded their God as very authoritarian in nature. Christians then began imitating their God and become exceptionally authoritarian themselves. Controlling society, they ruthlessly exterminated other religious beliefs, with only Judaism being permitted to co-exist with their own One True Faith.

I'm not trying to bash Christianity here, just point out that it's not as innocent as you portray.

Well said, Wednesday.