At what, making sure the Shrub has an ass that's huggably soft from all that kissing? Making sure he's got a really shiny dick? Dude, you've won nothing.
What you've won is a moment or two longer with a herd that doesn't exist. You've reinforced -- but only in your own mind -- a reality that isn't there. You think you can trust the Shrub to lead you blindfolded along the gangplank, but the truth is that he's getting paid by the people that made the blindfold and put the sharks in the water. You're nuts.
"I win!" Dude, all you're doing is proving my point for me. The same knee-jerk (love that term) reaction to fall into the goose-stepping line is what a lot of people are feeling, it's what they've been conditioned to feel, and it's why history is full of assholes like the Shrub getting away with the shit they pull.
![[no no no]](graemlins/nono.gif)