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First National Bastard said:
Chant said: jeeez, luckily PC really isn't a problem in Denmark. We do have anti-rascism laws and all that, but I can say fuck and nigger all I want, I can even show my dick on television, people might get offended, but there's nothing they can do about, except turn off their tv
So, what if you went on TV, whipped out your dick, and it had the words "fuck" and "nigger" written on it?
Sure, I could do that, byt again, some might get offended, and the question is whether or not the word nigger is in the anti-rascism law, though I hardly think anyone wants to make a case out of it. People are generally quite hard to offend here in Denmark (unless we are talking about those deeply religious types)
Racks be to MisterJLA