freedom of speech is (of course) tricky.
while i do feel that you should be allowed to do or say what you want, where you want, there has to, of course, be some rules and guidelines, otherwise, we'd have mr. rogers cursing out all the stagehands on tv, cuz his sweaters were dirty.
as it stands now (and, i THINK this is still true), you're free to do / say whatever you want on tv, as long as its between the safety hours of 10pm-6am (could be 12-6). that includes things that are offensive (like swearing), but not obscene (like porn).
thats cool, i guess.
there are some weird double standards. like howard stern gets busted for just about anything, however, oprah can talk about similar topics (all be it in a more "mature" manner) and be fine.
similar things can be said of magazines. for example, my maxim magazine, be it thru subscription, or bought in a store, is purchased sealed within a plastic bag container, which, at times, is opaque, so that you cant see the cover girls, or read the article headlines. however, cosmopolitan, displays an equally half naked cover chick on a monthly basis, as well as articles such as "trying anal sex?" or "get the orgasm you want" or even "could you be bisexual?: take the quiz!" -- and yet, this "smut rag" appears openly at any A&P check out aisle, able to be purchased by any house frau, or 12 year old boy.
other than clearing up these inconsistancies, i also find that im not too big on the press in general, and thus, feel that "freedom of the press" is taken WAY too far WAY too often. the day of, and days after, the horrible seton hall university fire, it was INCREDIBLY difficult to even walk around campus, to class, to other dorms, to the cafeteria, because there were COUNTLESS reporters, cameras, and news chopters/vans EVERYwhere.