Yo, here's a list of some of the people who have inspired me, some real, some fictional, some live, some not with us anymore, some good, others evil, some famous, some not so famous, some funny, some dead serious....and this is by no means a full list....
First and foremost, I must give a shout out to the one man in my life that matters most (And it's not ME), he is my inspiration, and my personal Savior....and above all else, the closest thing to god, that I've ever encountered....
Dad, this one's for you!
1) My dad, natch!
2) My brother, Jason...I don't know what I'd do without ya!, but I'd probably get more Net time! 
3) My brother, Joshua...Your sarcasm outweighs mine, a thousand fold, you are the laughter in my life, keep it real bro!
4) Myself, Justin....I learn from me every day!
5)My mother, what a horrible bitch you are, I'm glad you left eleven years ago, and I haven't seen you since.....you have shaped me into the rock I am today!.....now crush yourself off of it!
6)My lifelong Friends in Green River, Wyoming...you're always in my thoughts!
7)My lifelong Friends in Virginia Beach, Virginia, I haven't forgotten you either!
8)My current group of friends, Timmy, Marty, Earl, Justin (M), Justin(C), Justin(T), Ryan, Nauni, Megs, Steve, SteveII, Megan, Jay, Kurt, Matt, Dan, and all the others, I forgot, or couldn't remember to list! you make every day worth it!
9)Bill Gates, damn, you are the epitome of the American Dream.....a total Nerd, who gets to go home and bang a supermodel every night.....sure she loves you for your money, but I'm sure you're fine with that!
10)Friedrich Nietzche, philosophy has always been a hobby!
11)Sun Tzu, The Art of War, READ IT, LEARN IT, KNOW IT!
12)George Carlin, the only true modern philosopher
13)Dennis Miller, the second funniest man alive!
14)Chris Rock the funniest man alive....
15)Keep in mind, these aren't in order, except my family and friends above.....but
Theo, Watsonwil, Franta, ROY, Carrina, JK, Bibbo, Beppo, Butter, Rob, Dumas, Ubermisfit, Joker1, DiscoSteve, the entire roster of the MBL, Nature Boyz, and the LLB, and all those I did not mention, either because I just met you, haven't met you yet, or haven't seen you in ages!
16)George Lucas, for inspiring us to dream again!
17)The Indepenent Film Industry, for making me laugh, for cheap!
18)Anybody who pisses me off enough to inspire me and my sarcasm!, you deserve a medal.....and a sign.....and a bullet in your head!
19)Aquaman, because he's a relative unknown superhero.....I root for the underdog!!!
20) Like I said, there will be additions to the list, as they come to mind.....so I leave you with this final inspiration....
President Bill Clinton.....any man who can challenge the government and win, is worthy of praise......you make the world safe to live in Cousin Bill.....that's so fuckin' heroic!