They do remember Napolean, as a hero.

yeah, yeah, i know. i was just referring to the historical recurrance -- napolean was the first to be 'defeated' by russia's 'winter trap.'

hitler's army was decimated in almost the same exact fashion.

The Russian winter stopped the forward advance of the Germans, but the vast manpower of the Soviet army (and their cheap tanks) pushed the Germans back. See Antony Beevor's book, Stalingrad, for more on this.

your posts are long enuf -- im not gonna go get a book! damn...

in short, the russians obviously packed a powerful punch, but more so a deffensive retreat (which was, of course, their strongest strategy and done completely on purpose). their manpower growed in power as the germans decreased in number.

see rob's post. ... from before.

Non comprehende. So you are saying that the geopolitical systems initiated at the end of WW2 (and also at the Yalta Conference during WW2) justify kowtowing to US priorities?


id never say anything with words that big.

my statement was merely to point out the basis of american thought (as this statement is a question as to why americans think the french are stinky).

most of our thought is derived from successes brought about during ww2, which, in conjunction, highlights france's "less succesful" moments.

so, at a glance, we see us kicking ass, and the french running away.

its brief, stereotypical, 60 years old, etc, etc... but its the explanation.

Also, my history lessons were quite a bit different to yours, with little or no emphasis on WW2. Japan's history lessons have no emphasis on WW2

it is, as said, the victor that writes the history books.

The Soviet Union emerged from the war in a position to rapidly confront the US, and expand without fear of reprisal (Hungary, Czechslovakia). US predominance in world affairs only came to the fore with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

ahh, but it was the beginning of the cold war (the end of ww2) that set up the US as the predominant force - challenged (equally, perhaps) by that of the soviet world.

still, tho, the 'known world' was little more than england prior to that. this was the US's big advance and 'victory' over its predecessor.

It is hard to comment on this point, because I assume, like me, you are not a French speaker, and so the media there is inaccessible. France's top rating TV programme is a non-fiction book review show. Bit different in stature to Survivor.

different than survivor. im sure they dont boast about le howard le stern, either.

i just find it righteous to proclaim one form of entertainment superior to another. entertainment is whatever the viewer wants it to be - some get their kicks off 'seinfeld,' some off 'jerry lewis'. one is as bad or as genius as the next.

Regardless of the motivation, having criticism of the policy of an ally is a healthy thing (its part of the Westminster system of democracy inherited by Western countries, after all).

were this the case, then why do you have an issue with the american dislike of france?

couldnt i use the infamous 'healthy thing' defense of 2002, as well?

Phew, my computer crashed as I was posting this...

"made in france"