But its funny that you feel that way about the French, your allies, than, say, the Germans, who caused the whole mess.
gosh darn you, dave!
i never stated that these were my opinions. your proposed question was searching for an answer as to why americans, in general, feel a certain way. i gave my own opinion in my first post here, in the first few lines. after that, i was speaking as an indirect representative of those you questioned.
silly man.
Actually, everyone writes their own history books.
but the victor's becomes fact, and standardized. the losers' becomes home knowledge.
For a long while the US was trailing, and badly.
in the space race, sure. the sides were often turned back and forth. maybe they were more advanced in cooking, gardening, as well. im sure there are dozens of examples where the russians advanced faster than the americans, and the americas faster than the russians. (and other categories where both were slaughtered by a third world party)
regardless, the US was undeniably still set up as the predominant force in the world (again, paralleled by russia).
something i said:
Still, tho, the 'known world' was little more than england prior to that. this was the US's big advance and 'victory' over its predecessor.then something you said:
yadda yadda
ill stand by my statement. ill also stand by yours. we're just referring to two different contexts.
The difference is, though, what you have said above: France's prejudices are based on their exposure to contemporary US mass media. American prejudices are based on France's loss to German expertise (which also trounced the British Expeditionary Force, but no one picks on the Brits) 60 years ago. They have a more modern view.
so its ok for france to proclaim a 'superiority' of sorts cuz they make more 'classy' tv shows? but its not ok, or is 'outdated thinking,' for the US to proclaim a 'superiority' of sorts cuz they were the saviors in, perhaps, the most vicious and important battle on our planet during human-years? highlighted by both our successes and frances' failures?
ok then.
[sarcasm]you enjoy your 'les miserables,' and ill enjoy my freedom. deal?[/sarcasm]
ww2 happened 60 years ago, yes. that is no grounds for dismissing or belittling it. were the US not around, there might be no france. but i'm sure i could do fine without french tv.
do i think its not right for things to be judged on something that our grandfathers (or us, llance) were involved in? yeah, i dont think its right.
but, again, this is not MY viewpoint, just THE viewpoint.
further, you state that britain was in a similar situation as france, and, frankly, id agree with that. big differences, tho, are that britain was not defeated, and in the 60 years since, britain has, time and time again, gone out of its way to prove its strength and loyalty to the US, and its courage in battle after battle. the same can simply not be said of france, expecially in terms of quantity.
Finally, as you said in your opening post, you've met some nice French people. So have I. So to say that the "French" are generally snotty towards Anglophones is not borne out by anecdotal evidence from either of us (although a shopkeeper did get mouthy with me in Paris for not weighing my fruit before I brought it to the till). Its like saying all Americans are gunslinging Biblebashers, when clearly they are not so.
yeah! there y'go.
how come y'realized this at the end of yer post, man! i coulda saved myself the trouble of reading!
the other dave
After having dated two French women, my observation is that the French are "snotty" to Americans because they resent the prevalence of American culture.
i can agree to that! in fact... im pretty sure i said that somewhere (not here... in one of our previous 'western culture' debates, i believe).
movies, tv, and music are undeniably many things:
huge propoganda items
huge armerican 'arms'
based off american ideas.
yes, its true, 'millionaire' was a brit show.
but nooOOOoo... stupid typhoid boy had t'go n'disregard it. you always liked wonderboy better!!!
And with their globally vilified nuclear testing in the Pacific a few years ago, France also clings to its national image as a global power. I think France resents the U.S. prominence that exceeds that of France, and it appears to me (as in the example of France voting the U.S. off the U.N. Human Rights Commission) the French seem to do whatever they can to frustrate U.S. military and diplomatic prestige.
im all over this quote! me rikey!
My only complaint is: France is an ally, and I wish they'd behave more like a friend of the U.S than an enemy who tries to undermine us at every turn
this one, too!
cyber high five, wonder boy!
take that you stupid french-lovin, no-longer-typhoid dave!
and finally...
this isnt really a quote, but... referring to everything dave said, in his 7:40 am post, above
with all this being said... and obviously knowledge you already have...
why are you still asking the intial question?