Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
I wanna go back to the start of this board. The French are no world power. They are a speed bump at best today. I was amazed at how they, the French, stood on the side of the road and let Hitler march in with no fight at all! Yep, "coward" does fit. I saw a lot of people cry though. I love the History Channel. A picture is worth a thousand words. I wonder what WWII video clips are worth when it comes to words? How quick the French forget. Oh well.....

You haven't read a thing I wrote, have you?

Not too many countries can step in and stop a civil war within the space of weeks, as France just did with Cote d'Ivoire.

As for the Blitzkrieg, the French get a bad rap: all of continental Europe got blown away by fast moving tank offensive. The French relied upon the Marginot Line, which was overwhelmed with paratroopers. Only the English avoided invasion, because of the Channel.

The US had the Atlantic and Australia had the other side of the world as a barrier: otherwise, both of our countries would have fallen just as rapidly before such a novel form of warfare.