quote:Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts: ...its pretty simple France historically as today is apprehensive about committing to stopping trouble, just like WW1 and 2, and now, when Iraq allows the chemicals and bio agents to wreak havoc in the world theyll be ready to jump on board, but of course it will be too late as with the Nazi's, the world was able to repel the Nazi's and Japan just barely, I'm afraid once the pandora's box of weapons of mass distuvtion is opened it will be too late, who will France come beg for help then?
The French have seen their power in the world generally but also in their playground of Africa seriously undermined through the exercise of US power, and they need to get over that: a lot of French action recently seems to be motivated by the intention of being contrary for the sake of it. I think the French will end up coming onside, personally, otherwise their status as a world power will be reduced to irrelevancy. If you're not in the game, you're not a player.