Originally posted by Jack B Everywhere:
Culturally, England left more of an imprint (I suspect that's to our detriment as Americans), that's true..

ill go on record to profoundly disagree with the detriment aspects of that comment.

Originally posted by Jack B Everywhere:
But the philosophical and economic foundations of the revolution came from France. The bulk of Americans at that time might have been more English than French, but in character, I think that the Founding Fathers were more the product of France than of England.

Originally posted by Dave:
I totally agree with that. The French Revolution positively inspired the founding fathers of the US: bad governance from England negatively inspired the founding fathers.

a french revolution did occur at a similar time as the american, sure. there are some similar schools of thought, sure. franklin was able to stir up anti-british sentiment in france and convince their help, sure.

but does a mutual (at the time) hatred of britain make france an american parent? or a step brother? (preferably a cousin. a distant cousin.)

we drive on the right side of the road and were given great icons like gambit, the lovable, card-tossing mutant. but thats prolly all ill concede.

still, i dont understand how that gets us to where we are now with your parental theory.

Former UN weapons inspector Richard Butler agrees with you and says that the developed world, such as France, should set an example and disarm its weapons of mass destruction, and so should the US.
as does that little boy from superman IV

but then... who will stom the atomic man?

certainly not france.