Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jack B Everywhere:
[qb]a french revolution did occur at a similar time as the american, sure. there are some similar schools of thought, sure. franklin was able to stir up anti-british sentiment in france and convince their help, sure.

but does a mutual (at the time) hatred of britain make france an american parent? or a step brother? (preferably a cousin. a distant cousin.)

we drive on the right side of the road and were given great icons like gambit, the lovable, card-tossing mutant. but thats prolly all ill concede.

still, i dont understand how that gets us to where we are now with your parental theory.

The French Revolution certainly inspired the American Revolution, with the emphasis on "Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite". While Americans speak English, the political undertones of the US constitution are profoundly French. Voltaire and Robiespierre's democratic notions are self-evident in the US constitiution.

(I'm a bit surprised I didn't recognise this before, but I was led astray by the English language bit.)

[ 02-12-2003, 03:26 AM: Message edited by: Dave ]