some british influences on early america: (which still isnt answering my questions)

  • above and beyond all else, language
  • most all of american's initial millitary strategies or planning
  • journalism
  • criminal systems (sans the king)
  • american law (based mostly on british "common law")
  • most all of jefferson's "federalist papers"
  • religious beliefs and value (that king james guy, and his bible)
  • architectural design
  • colonies
  • the nominclature of territories (some of which exist to this day, in new england, new york, etc).
  • fashion
  • art
im not denying a french influence (nor would i a german or spanish one). and, yes, obviously an anti-british revolution in america would resemble an anti-british revolution in france. there are indisputable similarities, and direct, influenced results in both directions (as pointed out).
however i dont think its a fair assesment to state that france is even remotely the "father" to america that england was.

those similarities, combined with a decline and rebellion of british culture through the 18th century does not instantly link up france and america "by default"

as said, france, if anything, would be much more the brother or cousin -- or perhaps, france was the drunken father that ran off years ago (with that german trollop!).