Whereas the French view this as a war because of the amount of money the US leadership will gain.
Time magazine of 2 weeks ago pointed out that Halliburton is one of the oil companies likely to make a windfall profit out of this invasion. And we all know who worked as a director for Halliburton, right?
Which is why the US is pushing for a UN resolution to legitimise this invasion, otherwise it looks like a grab for oil (Time showed a photo of a woman in Germany with a placard - "Bomb Texas -they have oil too").
The US leadership says a failure of the Security Council to back its previous resolution makes the UN look weak: but in fact elsewhere in the world it makes the UN look strong but not being a tool of American foreign policy.
France is getting a lot of mileage out of this in regions where opposing American interests is a cool thing to do.
Personally, again, I think its the wrong stand to take, but its working for France.